Gerd Diet And Natural Remedies


Monday, August 18, 2008

Pregnancy and Gerd

During pregnancy your gerd is sure to increase as the baby grows. My daughter found she could only eat small meals. She also knew if she deviated from her diet she would pay for it later. The problem was that during pregnancy she found that the foods she ate prior to pregnancy that gave her only mild discomfort now gave her extreme discomfort. Pasta was now eaten without red sauce but with olive oil and a small amount of cheese. Cheese was something she kept to a minimum as that would also cause pain. Chocolate, coffee and citrus fruit were all problems.

Watching what she goes through all the time and how limited her diet is I wonder how long it will be before she has the operation to fix this. The relatively new procedure is called the "tif" or transoral incisionless fundoplication. You can read more about it on a previous post on this blog. The procedure is can get right back to your life. Can you imagine something so simple that relieves a life time of pain?

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Natural Remedy For Gerd